One is a supervisor at a women’s shelter. When I asked them why they were so afraid of me leaving them their answer was “because I love you”. If you love me why are you abusing me? I’ve used some dating sites since I turned 50 and I have been fairly successful at meeting women my own age. It seems once they think they have me locked in, out come the meat hooks.

Older Men Dating Younger Women: What Online Dating Data Tells Us

When it comes to love, there is a lot out there acting against your relationship. Remember that this rule is mostly used in Western cultures and that age limits and maximums are different all around the world based on cultural norms. For example, when someone was considering marriage, the age mattered more than if someone was considering a one-night stand with a partner. Many people believe that love has no age-limits, but society has other things to say about that. I broke it off with her, hoping she would mature and grow up with life’s responsibilities. Everything Courtney and I did, whether we slept together or went out to try something new, she couldn’t hide her excitement, which I loved.

LATEST EPISODE: Big Tech and student debt

Or perhaps he’s just a man of routine , and work has trumped everything else for so long, quality time just isn’t on the top of his priority list. If not, and this is the case, you might want to have a chat—or date younger. You could be projecting stereotypes on to them just because of their age, Hendrix says. If you’re attracted to someone older, Hendrix usually advises her clients to just bounce the idea off of someone you trust first. But there are a few things you should consider before jumping into a relationship like this, including emotional maturity, finances, children, ex-wives, and so much more.

If I lived near you I am sure we would have some great laughs. I wish you well and hope you find love again. I’m so sorry you and a lot of men on here feel that women are nasty. I couldn’t be nicer, more open, more flexible and happy with life and yet I can’t find a partner.

If you look great and take care of yourself you deserve to be with a woman who does the same. I am attractive, caring, and look much younger than my age, but I don’t feel I have the pick of the litter. I am finding that men around 50 can’t be bothered with honesty or respect, if I can find a suitable man at all. At 50 I just want a nice guy my age in reasonable shape to share my life with. Of course I want for the man to be able to support himself, but his money and status is not important to me. It may be hard for men in this age range to date, but it’s also no picnic for women, especially since I have found dating sites to be a waste of time, and I don’t care for the bar scene.

You should also limit sugar and foods high in saturated fat to lose weight at age 58. A study in the March 2018 journal ​Aging Cell​ showed that cyclists, both women and men aged 55 to 79, had immune systems similar to people in their 20s and 30s who didn’t exercise. The cyclists also kept their body fat and cholesterol levels constant as they aged, as well as their muscle mass and strength. What are your thoughts on senior dating? Have you had any luck with dating after 50? What tips would you like to share with the other women in our community?

After almost 5 years being together we broke up and he’s dating a younger girl and said he didn’t feel comfortable being sexual with me because of our age difference. He has a right to feel that way but he talks like I shouldn’t be interested in sex anymore because I’m almost 50. If he’s not into me because I’m older that’s fine but don’t talk to me like I’m dead sexually because of my age.

Women these days don’t want to work and just lookin for a free ride. They spend their time on their phones all day chatting on social media platforms, airing out their dirty laundry. I find them disgusting and do not enjoy talking with them since I find their minds to be quite hollow. Shame me as the article has done, but this way, I’ve found balance and am very happy with life. If she leaves because I’m having a tough time getting and sustaining an erection because I have emotions to work through then I guess she wasn’t really interested in me at all right?

Every woman that I have dated since 2007 all said the same thing. “I can’t believe you are still single”. But they have all been cut from the same cloth.

Get asked out by younger men, men my age, older men. But I seem to have a broken picker. And, I am really so afraid of being hurt again. My divorce was unexpected and really blind-sided me. And, there were a couple of difficult post-divorce dating experiences and now I’m very skittish and I bolt too fast. I want someone who generally has a positive outlook.

Like I’ve stressed here time and time again, I don’t care about what a man does for work, what kind of car or residence he has, or even how much money he has in the bank. I won’t settle for someone lazy, disrespectful, unfaithful, or who doesn’t practice proper hygiene. That’s about all for my deal breakers. OK, I am a woman in her 50s and I am on the dating sites and going to multiple meetups, I have been asked out my men my age but man! They are either overweight, have really bad teeth, or physical limitations like a bad knee. The men I want to pursue are handsome, fit, and financially secure.

Consider the body differences and just consider how often women are friends with other women. Women rule the world and it is not pretty behind closed doors. Even if you found a woman believe me after a while you would not live up to her expectations. We are in an anti male , women are the victims of men period in history . Stay single keep your money and rent sex if you need it that bad.

This is what I keep running up against with men, and this guy is 54 years old. You give these guys what they claim they want and they don’t want it anymore. I will be better off alone than to deal with rejection after rejection just for caring and wanting to love a man. I don’t even know if a stable, genuine man exists anymore. Rejection really hurts, and I am so tired of it.

It really isn’t as easy as it seems for men in their 50s that are looking for a serious relationship. Older woman run marathons and aren’t any heavier than the pregnant looking men as they age. Please refrain from your arrogance about probably look at porn because no younger woman wants an old man marathon runner or not. Sometimes I’m sad about it all but mostly try to be upbeat for my many blessings.