It’s easier to resolve this problem if you are still somewhat in love with your boyfriend. Once you lose the attraction, you may not see the point in trying to mend the relationship. If you feel like you’ve already lost all attraction to your boyfriend, this likely won’t be helpful.

There are some people who need passion and chemistry in their relationship and would never be able to fall in love with someone they don’t feel this way about. You want it to happy and are even the least bit worried about what the other person might think. You have a deeper connection and know the other person will love your friends and family as much as you do because you share the same values and genuinely care about each other. If you’re in a place in your relationship where you feel comfortable telling him all your secrets, it’s a good sign that you have a strong emotional connection together. You may fall in love with the emotional connection the two of you share. An emotional connection is powerful – and once again can be enough to sustain a relationship.

I’m not sexually attracted to my partner. Now what?

Without your honesty, your boyfriend won’t be able to fully trust you. It’s important to learn from this situation so that you make wiser decisions when choosing guys to date in the future. It’s important that you find him attractive, but it’s more important that you like who he is as a person. Maybe you have never found him very attractive, but now you’re realizing it even more. This can be hard to figure out, but it’s really helpful when it comes to working through these relationship issues.

If you ever find yourself in a sticky situation like this, focus on being open and honest. This is a good practice to have in a relationship of any kind. This is a big decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. You might try to do one nice thing for each other every day.

And it seems they’re all pretty damn happy with their partners… “Sometimes it does take getting to know someone better to develop a physical attraction to them,” says Maria Sullivan, dating expert and vice president of It’s kind of interesting that, when we’re not physically attracted to someone, sometimes we can repel them as if they’ve got some sort of plague or something. But y’all, one of my closest friends is someone who used to be attracted to me, although I was never attracted to him. Had I left it at that, I wouldn’t have the blessings in my life that come as the direct result of him being a part of my world. When you like someone, you’ll try to do what you can to be around them for as long as possible.

signs he finds you irresistible (complete guide)

The difference is that in an emotional relationship, you can tell what the other person wants to remember. They let you know in small ways that they’re listening to you. Having an emotional connection means that you remember the small things that matter to each other.

But when you have an intellectual connection without a physical connection, there’s more room for problems to arise in the relationship throughout the years. The attraction of the mind tends to work quite differently from the emotional or physical attraction. When you share an emotional connection, you have no issues with this step of a relationship. When you’re in an emotional relationship, this doesn’t matter. Without a strong emotional connection with someone, you might find yourself holding back for a number of reasons. In this line of thinking, it’s the sexual chemistry that makes the relationship.

The reason being is that love can grow between two people – especially those that are friends first – where sex or spark was never initially needed. Sometimes, love simply will take time to grow and it can do so without the initial stages of passion that usually go hand in hand in the beginning parts of dating. When you’re dating someone you’re not physically attracted to, you have to be ready to open up to them emotionally. You might just come out on the other side with a connection you never expected. There’s a big difference between attraction and arousal. My pants and underwear can rub me a certain way while jogging that triggers an arousal without me actually being attracted to those clothing items.

One key indicator of an emotional connection is being able to rely on this person when you need them. This person understands you on a whole other level as you have never been understood before in life. This is one of the questions many people ask themselves when they find themselves attracted to someone they don’t find physically appealing.

Do both people know that they are in a committed relationship, even though on the surface it is just like any other platonic friendship. This type of physical desire or admiration involves personal feelings and individual experiences that aren’t the most people don’t necessarily share. This type of attraction occurs when the majority of people consider someone sexually attractive, even if you personally don’t experience sexual attraction toward them. It’s healthy for you and your partner to spend time with other people in your lives, like your friends and family. But when you’re serious about having a committed relationship with someone, it’s important to nurture that relationship and make it a priority. If your partner makes you feel like other people in their life are more important than you, there may be something missing in your relationship.

Since you aren’t really focused on their looks, you get to focus on what ultimately matters in the relationship – your connections with them and their personality. Sometimes, a friendship might even be more fulfilling than a romantic relationship. In a mature relationship, both partners take accountability for their behaviors. They won’t minimize the other person’s feelings or say disrespectful things to each other.